7 yoga poses to boost metabolism

Our metabolism is essential to the pursuit of general health and vitality. It is the body's engine, transforming food into energy to power each and every cell and bodily function. Adding yoga to your regimen could be the missing element if you've been feeling lethargic or want to improve your body's inherent ability to burn fat. In addition to toning and strengthening muscles, yoga also improves hormone balance, digestion, and circulation—all of which support a faster metabolism. Now that you've stretched out your mat and taken a few deep breaths, let's move on to seven energetic yoga positions that can help boost your metabolism and leave you feeling alive and alert. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations): Start your practice with the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. This vigorous flow raises your body temperature, relaxes tense muscles, and speeds up your metabolism. To facilitate the free passage of prana (life force) throughout your body, try to synchronize your b...